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Accrued AR Collection Training

Home  /  Our Services  /  Accrued AR Collection Training

We manage every aspect
of your insurance claims

Accrued AR Services refer to the practice of analyzing outstanding insurance claims & money owed from commercial insurance policies, for services provided.

Need assistance capturing lost revenue from underpayments & aged claims?

Our accrued AR services can assist you.

A typical accrued AR service analysis consists of two distinct processes:

A financial & clinical review of your revenue cycle management.

Trained professionals perform a line-by-line analysis in addition to a full claims analysis to determine billing accuracy taking into account a review based on historical claims data, historical discount and reimbursement rates, and other factors.

Immediate benefits
of using accrued AR Services

Immediate understanding of the possibility of collecting outstanding funds

Ability to forecast and budget based on new projections of potential funds

Immediate training of staff, to not duplicate clinical errors that caused some of the initial mistakes that impacted reimbursements.

With our
accrued AR services...

We provide a free assessment

You do not have to sign a billing service contract

We work on all aged claim scenarios

Typically, providers start to see reimbursements in 45 days or less

Interested in learning more about our Accrued AR Services?

Get a free billing service assessment today!